Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Asana of the Month

Virabhadrasana II

The Warrioress

Stand with the legs wide apart, reaching the arms out in the same direction, the ankles should be as wide as the wrists.  Turn the big toes in feeling the pinkie toe edge of the feet root into the Earth.  Stay mindful of the orientation of your hips, allow the front of the hip bones to stay facing the long edge of your mat.  Turn your right foot to the front or short end of your mat, maintaining the angle of the hips.  If the back hip, rolls forward facing a side or forward angle you risk pinching the sciatic nerve as it passes through the piriformis muscle which can create sciatica and no one wants that!  Bend the right knee so that it lines up directly over the ankle.  Take caution to not let the knee go over the toes, this will create unnecessary strain on the knee joint.  By creating a right angle with the knee over the ankle you will activate the quadriceps and strengthen the legs.  Continue to reach through the arms opening the space between the shoulder blades and spreading through the chest.  If you turn your palms up to the sky this will allow the collar bones to roll back and the shoulder blades to reach down.  Taking the time to set up the proper alignment is very important for this asana to gain maximum benefit.  Additional tip, if you lift the 10 toes you will feel the inner arch of your foot engage, allow this lifted energy to rise up into the inner thigh, and up into the pelvic floor.  Breath smooth, calm, and steady as you gently hug your baby up and in by softly titling the pelvis.

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